Thursday, June 21, 2012

Spanish Point Beach

In Heartbreak Hotel
in a small Irish village
where all the roads&paths
lead to a lonely beach
That is where I dwell
having no bubble bath
And the wind whistles
and forces me dancing traditional giga
to reach the point
Surfers dressed in black wet suits
riding their boards
could hear even the flutes
watching cool wave sliding
the ninth wave should be mine
but I'm not riding
upon my return
just watching
the sad eyes of a stubborn whitish horse
his shine which is all that opaque light source

Monday, June 18, 2012

Probability and Odds Example

Am I a person?
Perhaps Perdaughter suits me
better than ever.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Východ na západě

Jela jsem trajektem do Irska. Bylo to skoro před 3 měsíci. Náš koráb se kolébal ze strany na stranu a ranní slunce vypadalo asi takto...

I went  to Ireland by ferry. It was almost 3 months ago. Our ship was rocking from side to side and the morning sun looked like this...

Západ na východě

Tenkrát na západě (Čech) jsem šla kolem Kamenného rybníka. Bylo to na východ od konce světa, ale slunce právě zapadalo.

Once Upon a Time in the West (Bohemia), I went around the Stone Pond. It was at the east end of the world and the sun was just setting. 

Cliffs of Moher

The End Of The World

Against the might of
the Atlantic Ocean are
the Cliffs of Moher