Friday, October 26, 2012

Desired shape

One should live the life
the best possible way because
when you want something
and you don't get it instantly
like for example carving knife
then your life passes by
in your mind's eye but in real time.
Sauvignon Blanc
Can't you remember?
Was it  in July?
Might keep recalling
it till December!

Retrospective: Mekong Delta 2012

Mekong je taková větší Berounka,
s tím rozdílem,
že Ota Pavel by tam
zlaté úhoře opravdu

Large sweet fleshy tropical fruit nicely cut

Up on deck, Mekong  River

Floating market

Sweet yellow liquid produced by bees

Ma Túy


Cruise ship 

Canoeing... virtuous.


Jungle on the island, distinctive but  intangible feeling

The family Palmae on the island

Monday, October 22, 2012

Baste a Hem

The wind battered me with
your unspoken dreams.
Well, that was the finest sand in my eyes
and one would say she nicely cries,
no need of that! Just improvise!

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Retrospective: Brighton 2010 (quite bright)

A Beach

Cassette Lord ->

Warning/Underwater Hazards/Keep Away

A street sign - Stickers

Is a tomatoe a fruit or a vegetable?
May I take a picture of you? 

Been garglin' the Bohemian Sekt and this Chilean  just one afternoon...

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Retrospective: Kent 2011

Gently please!
Apple Orchard, on a way from Sole Street Train Station to Cobham Hall

This postbox is located at the site of the old Cobham post office, closed 1990

Public House in Cobham 
Cobham Hall


In this street lived Joe Specks - uncommercial traveller