Thursday, August 28, 2014


Red sky before blood red full moon

Kölner Dom

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Friday, June 13, 2014

Double Back

For a moment

Felt quite dizzy

While you said

You were busy

So I played

your favourite track

And I  played it

double back

Is it cheesy?

No, quite easy


which someone plays by choice

and pretends the passive voice

and everything is

all the same

Tuesday, June 03, 2014


Look at their stories
without disgust and worries
and open your eyes

Monday, June 02, 2014


Our ideas are
just overlaping each one
in a unique way

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pocket money

Silly filling of
bottomless pocket doesn't
lead us to freedom

Friday, May 16, 2014


It is a constant
state of Catch 22 and
it is happening

Friday, May 09, 2014


Praha magická...Street levitation
Praha pokroková...A small step for man.... 

Praha záhadná...Hedgehog in the Cage

Praha večerní...Moon

Praha astrologická...Clock

Praha františkánská... Garden

Praha vintageová...Retro

Praha růžová...Tulips

Praha houbová...Pavement

Praha cyklistická...Cycle Like a Local

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Full Moon

You've been to a land
with thousands of Gods
and also been to godless countries
so many times.
Yes I remember the sand
on the Black Beach in Pitch Dark
Above an orange moon and
millions of shooting stars
I had the only wish
which was something to vanish
but it wasn't the Love
The experience was quite rough
The only way to ground it
was taking a drafted stick
and write something
into that wettish surface
on the Black Beach in Pitch Dark
in the  shiny moon spot
which would hold my words
until the next morning wave
have splashed the night have
not leaving us incredibly hot 
Firstly, it was a spiral
saying everything
You were inspired and
started to draw with a straw
some signs or not or ohm's law?
on the Black Beach in Pitch Dark
where memories have bleached
we weren't talking just walking
despite wanting to stay
The music was fusion of
Indian ocean waves
one after each other
in stereo
on the Black Beach in Pitch Dark
The beats were our hearts
each one different frequency
each of us different tendency
Why did it blow my mind?
And now it's alright...
'Because the world is round
It turns me on.'
(it's a song)
on the Black Beach in Pitch Dark

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Český les


Dům číslo 28



POZOR! Státní hranice


Vítáme vás hu nás

Wednesday, January 08, 2014


An epic story
that is not our fault really
that's the way we are